I am comparing poems 2 and 4, and also incorporating the introductions. The introductions gave me a lot of interesting information. It seemed to me that the author of these poems has a sexual attraction to the Virgin Mary. I may be incorrect an this could just be religious loyalty. The author praises Mary and refers to her as the Mother of God and also as She not she.
Poem two shows the power the Virgin Mary has over even Lords. She is respected and her voice is feared. I never thought Mary was depicted in this way. She seems to want the governmental individuals to fear her, because I am sure she does not understand how government fully works. But fear is understandable. She is a powerful woman and this poem tells the story of how she was respected by a Saint. She also respectable to others and respected by others, a very valuable condition.
Poem four shows Mary as a forgirveful and caring character. This is the story of Mary confirming the Jew and then saves him from his father. She forgives the Jew for being Jewish and converts. This part of the story narrates a conflict between Jews and Christians/Catholics. Once Mary converts the boy she blesses him so he does not burn when his father throws him into a furnace. Mary's power is shown here again and like her son Jesus her gifts will travel as rumors and stories around the country.
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