Sunday, February 12, 2012

AUCX 190: MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES: Genesis (Day Five: Chapters 37, 39-50)

AUCX 190: MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES: Genesis (Day Five: Chapters 37, 39-50): For today's blog, bring up at least two topics of interest and write a short and cohesive argument explaining why these themes are important...

The main theme I found while reading the stories of Joseph was jealousy between brothers. This theme is not only portrayed in Joseph's story, but every other story we have covered in Genesis so far between brothers. Joseph's brothers become jealous of him because Israel favors him over his brothers. Joseph begins to develop dreams because the Lord watches over him. He makes the mistake and brags to his brothers about these dreams. How he will rule over the land, his brothers and even his father! This creates even more jealousy and his brothers plot to murder him out of spite. Jealousy seems to always befall the brother that is favored or blessed by the Lord. Later in Genesis Joseph's master's wife tries to lie with him in bed, but Joseph refuses. She is jealous of his attractive looks and he disobeys her so she sees that he is arrested on false claims. I find it strange that all these stories included Joseph's have such a strong element of envy in them. Is Genesis attempting to say how jealousy is something evil? But those who are envied always triumph and brag about their actions. Which is the correct action or correct argument?

The second theme I find important is treachery and deception by those in social power. Joseph deceives his family because he attempts to trick them because of the crimes they did against him. The stories of Genesis always have these elements, characters do not like to be truthful and it is always revealed in the end. I think that Joseph takes his deception far, but his brothers did attempt to murder him. Once again, I think these stories are portraying themes that are evil, but make it very unclear. Deception and treachery are both bad, but when they occur the person conducting them wins in the end because of it. So is treachery good if it helps or is it always evil and makes your intentions pure evil?

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