1) Calypso is the first woman we hear about in this story that wants to have Odysseus as her lover after Penelope. Calypso even defies the gods at first when they command her to release Odysseus so that he can return to his kingdom. Later in the story we learn that Odysseus also was the goddess, Circe’s lover. Both of these stories show that Odysseus is not loyal to Penelope. If he continues to be loyal to his wife and fight’s these urges from other women, his story is one of true love. I do not think this is the case. Calypso gives the readers insight into the thinking of Odysseus and men in this time, that they are allowed to be un-loyal to their wives it is necessary, but if the woman does this in return it is unfaithful and illegal.
4) The Cyclops is the first enemy that Odysseus has the opportunity to fight. His enemies before this were Zeus sending storms and the forbidden fruits of the Lotus. The Cyclops is also half god, he is the son of Poseidon. The Cyclops represents something greater than Odysseus, but a fair opponent compared to those previous. Odysseus represents his true strength when he defeats the Cyclops; this show of cunning knowledge and strength shows he is more than an average man. This is the first victory on his very long journey and foreshadows future victorious for the man.
Odysseus’s statement that his name is ‘Nobody’ was just part of his plan to escape from the Cyclops. The Cyclops is not a smart being and by just telling him his name is ‘Nobody’ the monster actually believes him. When the time comes to kill the Cyclops instead of giving away Odysseus’s plan he prevents his neighbor from saving him from Odysseus.
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